Tuesday, May 28, 2013

My twenites: day one

Today marks the end of my teens and the begginging of my twenties.
My twenties, to me, always seemed like the most magical age.
I remeber thinking how old and sophisticated I would be in my twenties.
Visions of me drinking out of cocktail glasses in pretty dresses and living in a big city.
Although the reality may not be as glamourous I still belive in a lot of way that your twenties are magcal.
You're twenties are the point in your life when you truley become and adult.
No it may not be the fairytale, sex in the city scene I have imagined in my head.
But, I still have faith that my twenties will  be very good to me.
Mostly I am so ready to say goodbye to teens and hello to twenties.

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